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Carbamide Peroxide vs Hydrogen Peroxide


What type of dental bleaching gel is best: Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide? 

Image result for laboratory carbamide peroxide   


The best gel for dental bleaching is Carbamide Peroxide because the Carbamide Peroxide molecule is much more stable than the hydrogen peroxide molecule.  This is important for two reasons:

First, when a hydrogen peroxide gel is manufactured, it begins breaking down almost immediately, long before it reaches your teeth.  Carbamide Peroxide was developed to retain the power of the peroxide for a long period of time after manufacturing.  Upon contact with any organic material, carbamide peroxide immediately breaks down into hydrogen peroxide, at which time it performs the same function as other hydrogen peroxide solutions by oxidizing the stains from your teeth.  The only difference is that you are getting the full power of the gel instead of a less stable version of the hydrogen peroxide given its quicker deterioration and shorter shelf-life.

Second, a hydrogen peroxide gel is often manufactured in a highly viscous glycerin base in order to inhibit its natural instability and deterioration. Glycerin is effective in slowing down hydrogen peroxide's deterioration.  However, in doing so, it also delays the ability for the peroxide to be most effective when it is applied to your teeth, unable to immediately start penetrating the pores of the teeth where most of the staining occurs. 

Bottom line, Carbamide Peroxide in a non-glycerin base is the ideal gel to use for dental whitening.  It retains its full-strength power longer, it is quickly reactive in whitening your teeth, and with elimination of the glycerin required to stabilize hydrogen peroxide, the pore penetration of Carbamide Peroxide gel is much greater while teeth sensitivities are avoided.