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Thermo Form Instructions




Professional Dental Products Telephone: 800-665-0696

Instructions for Creating Custom Moldable Thermo Form Dental Trays

NOTE - Our unique dual-use dental trays have been designed as an application device for dental gels, a night-guard against teeth grinding (bruxism) or both!

1) Boil a pot of water and then reduce heat slightly so that water is no longer bubbling.

2) While holding onto the tab on front of dental tray, soften the dental tray by submerging it into boiling water for 3-10 seconds (you will notice the tray begin to wilt). The dental tray must be softened enough to properly make a mold of your teeth.

NOTE - Overheating may damage or over-shrink the dental tray.

3) Allow the dental tray to cool just enough to eliminate the possibility of burning your mouth during the molding process. Position the dental tray over your teeth, bite firmly into the dental tray and apply pressure with your fingers to the front of the dental tray. At the same time, press your tongue on the roof of your mouth and suck all of the air and water from the inside of the dental tray. Let the dental tray cool and harden. Then remove dental tray from your mouth.

NOTE – You may reheat the dental tray and repeat steps 2-3 if necessary, to attain optimum results.

4) After the dental tray has hardened, place it into your mouth to assure a comfortable fit. If the dental tray covers too much of your gums or continues past your rear (molar) teeth, you may use scissors to trim the excess material from the dental tray. If you are satisfied with the results of the fit, use scissors to cut the holding tab off of the front of the dental tray.

5) Repeat steps 1-4 for each dental tray.